At first glance it might seem that I am just a happy, normal girl who loves to bake and walk her dog. However, I have suffered with an eating disorder since I was 13. It was only in May 2014 when I realised that this Voice in my head was slowly but surely trying to kill me. And so began the long, hard, and painful journey which is recovery...

I want My Cocoa Stained Apron to be a special place...a place for reflection, memories, shared stories...and of course a little bit of cocoa-staining ;) Recovery might be the hardest thing you ever choose to do in this life. But it is also the bravest and best decision you will ever make.:)

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Thank YOU so, so much :) xxx and a little sneak peek at the Cocoa Stains 2015 will bring to my Apron! ;)

I can't express how touched I was by the meaningful, lovely comments written on my last post in which I invited you to respond as to what you would like to see more of on My Cocoa Stained Apron. How can I thank you enough? <3 Well, i can't, really, of course, except say it right here, once again: thank you so, so SO much!!!! (x100000000) I know some might think I'm crazy for getting so excited and emotional about something like this, but do I mind? Of course not ;) maybe I am a good way, of course. Is there anyone in my vicinity who is as crazy about baking as me? I don't think so! ;)

thanks to all of YOU, my special readers, I now have a clearer idea of how I am going to go about making My Cocoa Stained Apron even better (and even more chocolatey ;) ) in 2015. I thought I would just give you a quick outline before I proceed ever further, of the sort of things I would be posting about in the next few months - or should I say, year. ;)

  • I will continue to write my personal posts, in which I will describe the steps I am currently taking in my battle to overcome my eating disorder. In these posts, I outline the fears and anxieties I face, the challenges I hope to overcome, the changes and achievements I am looking to make. These posts also serve, for me, to charter my progress in recovery, from sickness to health.
  • In addition to my personal posts in which I talk about my own experiences, I also think I might try to write some advice posts. As I mentioned beforehand, I wondered whether I was really in a position to do this, since I still have alot more work to do in striving to recover from my eating disorder. But I have thought about it and yes, I believe I do have some advice to give, to people who have suffered in a similar way as I have.
  • And then there will be the odd baking post! Each time I bake I am going to try to be a bit more creative and original, and if I'm happy with the result and think it's looks, err, well presentable (the maple syrup oat cookies that I made last week most certainly did NOT match this description!!! :p ) I will post it on here with my own recipe, tips and thoughts. In addition to that I might give the odd post with specific baking tips and tricks and what I call baking secrets. (Just make sure you don't tell anyone... ;) ) . I might also create a new page on my blog called the National Bakery, where I will categorise specific recipes according to their country of origin. I really want to embrace a multicultural way of baking this year and take advantage of the wonderful diversity of baked foods from all around the world. :)
  • And also: Morokia! I think I will be blogging a bit more about Morokia this year, because it's something that, in the next few months, I am very eager to get started on once again; and what with having no college work to deter me over the next few months, I will have plenty of time to reflect on, plan, and write the trilogy that at one time was something which I derived great pleasure and enjoyment from. But I'm determined to rediscover that passion. And so what I might do is, as well as telling you a bit about the context of Morokia and about the story and characters in general, I might include some actual excerpts from the story itself. 
  • At the request of another lovely reader, I am also going to compose some posts about Ireland and the Irish way of life. And since the Irish countryside is so beautiful, I will of course post some pretty pics with these posts :)
  • And then of course...the odd random post!! Like when I got my little Christmas box from my reader in Germany <3 - times like that, when I feel like I am literally bursting with a combination of different emotions, I just can't stop myself from hastily opening up my laptop and expressing my feelings through writing on my blog! :)

So that's a little outline of what I'm going to be doing from now on...though if you have any other ideas, suggestions, comments, feedback - please do let me know; I would love to hear from you :)
 (me blogging this summer...haha terrrrrrrrible pic :p )


  1. Perfect Emmy that sounds just right
    And the picture isn't that bad ;)
    Kee it up!! Lots of love
    Livvy ox :)

    1. awwww thanks so much Livvy! I'm really looking forward to bblogging like this for this year :) Hope you are well hun ! Thank you so much and lots of love <3 xxxxxx

  2. Thank YOU for dedicating so much time and effort into your blog!!

    1. <3 A million hundred thanks to you hun, for taking the time to read and for writing such meaningful lovely comments on my posts. It makes me feel so lucky and privileged to be into contact with such amazing people like you through my little blog. Thank you so much and lots of love Olivia <3
