At first glance it might seem that I am just a happy, normal girl who loves to bake and walk her dog. However, I have suffered with an eating disorder since I was 13. It was only in May 2014 when I realised that this Voice in my head was slowly but surely trying to kill me. And so began the long, hard, and painful journey which is recovery...

I want My Cocoa Stained Apron to be a special place...a place for reflection, memories, shared stories...and of course a little bit of cocoa-staining ;) Recovery might be the hardest thing you ever choose to do in this life. But it is also the bravest and best decision you will ever make.:)

Friday, 2 January 2015

My 2015 new year resoultions!! :) :D

I know this is sort of random...but I thought I would just share my new year's resolutions with you! ;) And some of them are after all related to what my blog is all about - that being, of course, recovery and cooking/baking.

And can I just take this opportunity to wish all my readers a very, very happy new year <3 I hope that 2015 will be a happy, healthy and enjoyable year for you, full of smiles and fun and good times, and all those special moments which make our lives so magical. :)

Anyway, in no particular order....

Ganache-Elf's 2015 New Year Resolutions. :)

  1. To fight even harder against my eating disorder, and strive to reach full recovery.
  2. To become even better at cooking/baking!! :) And to get lots of variety into what I make. This year I am determined to be more organised and plan what I am going to do at the beginning of each week - no more going to the cupboard like I did the other day, set on making a cherry cake...only to find not only am I appallingly low on glace cherries - shock, HORROR!! How could I have ran out of one of my baking cupboard's essentials?? - but I also didn't have any ground almonds. 
  3. To be tidier!! haha..something my mam is always giving out to me about ;)
  4. To continue to develop my Cocoa-Stained Apron ;) I really want to try to write at least one post a day! :)
  5. To write Morokia!! :)
  6. To focus more on the "crafty" things I enjoy too - ie. knitting scarves (and maybe sometime in the future....HATS :p ) and painting by numbers. :)
  7. To cook, and try, new foods! To experiment with different cuisines.
  8. I would really like to try and learn a bit of a new language... Spanish I have a teency (and I MEAN teency ;) bit of. so I wouldn't mind learning more of that. Or perhaps piciking up French or Irish again...I learnt these two languages in school, but as is often the case when you aren't regularly practising a language, exposing yourself to it on a weekly basis through speech and written word, then all that vocabulary and grammar you committed to memory is forgotten. Or maybe an entirely different one? German perhaps? ;)
  9. To volunteer in my local community - something I have never done before, but which I have always aspired to do. I particularly would like to work with children or elderly people.
I might make more of these, but now it's time for breakfast and I can't think of anymore for the present. Happy new year everyone <3 

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