Now as I am sure you know I can never resist a cup of hot chocolate...especially if it's been made by my sister or my mam, the best hot choc makers in the universe...their hot chocs really are out of this world. ;)

(I know the pic is lop-sided :( but my computer for some reason won't let me flip it round. I hope it doesn't take away from the beauty of this image overly much. :( )
Surely, this is the most microwaved mug in the house - the mug of Ganache-Elf, being placed in the microwave usually about two or three times a day, full of lovely fresh milk, and then heated for about two minutes I think (I have to confess...I never have to make my own hot choc...I am, in that sense, utterly lazy. But it has to be said...the hot chocs my mam and my sis make for me are just the most amazing ones ever. So much nicer than anything you'd get in a coffee shop or top-class restaurant...and I am lucky enough to have them made for me on a daily, regular basis.). And so, with that in mind, I dedicate this post to my mam and my sis...two of the most special and amazing people in my life and who both share a unique and wonderful talent in the art of hot choc making. ;)
So...on to how to make a hot choc just the way mama and liz used to (and still do... ) make. ;)
You need...
- A mug. (pick your size...but don't be scared to go big. A little hot choc is never really enough. ;)
- A teaspoon...or maybe, a few. One for mixing the powder and sugar in, and then, if that one gets a bit sticky, dispense with it and get a clean one for a) scooping out the marshmallows etc. and b) cleaning the bottom of the mug.
- Milk...for a normal sized mug like mine above (but don't limit yourself to that of course ;) ) you will need about 200-250 ml.
- Tesco hot chocolate powder. Yes, this has to be, for me, the nicest drinking chocolate powder ever. And you don't need to break the bank to get it's very affordable being their own brand. :)
- A wee bit of sugar.
- Marshmallows. Maltesers. Smarties. Rolos. Munchies. Oh God, there are so many, many possibilities. But the marshmallows AND something chocolatey to go on top are essential I feel. But it's really up to you, really....
- and maybe...some biccies for dunking might be good. ;)
Anyway. Pour the milk into the mug. Microwave for about 2 minutes until nice and hot. Then get your teaspoon, and put in about 2 or 3 generous heaped teaspoons of chocolate powder, or more if you are feeling particularly chocolatey. Then about 1-2 teaspoons of sugar. Taste to see if it's sweet/chocolatey enough for you and then once you're happy add your toppings...
You might need to do a bit of grating or snipping or crushing here, as Liz did for the choc featured in the pic above...for this particular one we have halved jumbo marshmallows, crushed Maltesers, and grated Milky Bar. And so continue with this until...well, I suppose, when it's beginning to look as if there is a very dangerous risk of overflow... ;)
And then get your biccies and your spoon and...scoop. Dunk. Slurp. A little piece of heaven all contained within one mug. ;)
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