Hi everyone!!!
Just a very quick post today - I just like to do this sort of thing now and again, a post in which I just send out a massive THANK YOU to you all: for reading my bblog, for leaving such helpful, lovely comments, for supporting and motivating me, and for enabling me to stay positive and to never give up <3 I have so, so much to thank you for. You might not even realise just how much you all mean to me, how much you have helped my recovery. I am so, so touched and moved by your kindness and support and I wull never be able to thank you enough <3
I am always looking for ways in which I can improve my blog and make it more interesting and interactive for my readers. if you have any comments, suggestions, feedback, or requests in relation to what future posts I might include on my blog, please do feel free to contact me - I would love to hear from you. Just commnt or email me at emmmysnelgrove@gmail.com.
At the moment, my bblog mainly consists of posts in relation to eating disorder recovery, other personal posts, baking posts, and the odd blog challenege, of course. ;) I would love to hear your opinions on this format and any feedback would be so much appreciated ;) do you like the way my blog is structured and are there any ways you would like it to be changed or altered? :)
And you might have noticed I created a new page to day which I have been working on for absolutely ages!!! ;) It's called This is Me and this is My Story , and it's basically just a sort of simplified (note the sort of!!! ;) account of the story of me and my Eating Disorder, and I hope it will enabble you to get to know me a bit more and get a bit more insight into the life story of the person behind the blog.
At first glance it might seem that I am just a happy, normal girl who loves to bake and walk her dog. However, I have suffered with an eating disorder since I was 13. It was only in May 2014 when I realised that this Voice in my head was slowly but surely trying to kill me. And so began the long, hard, and painful journey which is recovery...
I want My Cocoa Stained Apron to be a special place...a place for reflection, memories, shared stories...and of course a little bit of cocoa-staining ;) Recovery might be the hardest thing you ever choose to do in this life. But it is also the bravest and best decision you will ever make.:)
Hi Emmy... I love reading your blog and think you are doing a fantastic job! I love all of your posts and find them helpful in many ways. I would love to hear about how your eating disorder is currently and the way you feel towards eating and food at the moment. Is recovery still a huge challenge for you each day or do you feel as though it is getting any easier? Only answer what you feel comforyable with, I was just curious. <3 xxxxx karly :)
ReplyDelete<3 Thank you so much hun I am so glad you find it helpful <3 I will definitely write some posts on the topics you suggested hun <3 Lots of love and hope you are doing ok Karly <3 I will send you a little email soon <3 xxxx