At first glance it might seem that I am just a happy, normal girl who loves to bake and walk her dog. However, I have suffered with an eating disorder since I was 13. It was only in May 2014 when I realised that this Voice in my head was slowly but surely trying to kill me. And so began the long, hard, and painful journey which is recovery...

I want My Cocoa Stained Apron to be a special place...a place for reflection, memories, shared stories...and of course a little bit of cocoa-staining ;) Recovery might be the hardest thing you ever choose to do in this life. But it is also the bravest and best decision you will ever make.:)

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

And just to testify that I have NOT neglected my cocoa-staining of late. ;)

oh no....not at all. Beleive me, there was no lesser amount of chocolate, flour, sugar, cocoa, eggs, or any other commonly used ingredient in the kitchen of Ganache-Elf that wasn't in the trolley last Friday. I'm still baking, and loving every moment of it too. The weekend gave me a bit of time to make something fiddley and time-consuming...yes, to my Mam that sounds quite nightmarish I know, but I am quite happy to be honest doing a bit of fiddley...and it makes the finished product ever the more special as you KNOW you have put so much care and love into making just that.
So here we are, profiteroles. The recipe is not my own, so I think it's best I don't share it for now :( but please bear with me - tomorrow, I will reveal to you a recipe of whose resulting produce are just so, so cute and absolutely scrumptious...and there's even an option in regard to fiddleyness, too - you can be as decorative and as deliberational over them as you like, or you can just finish them off woth a simple but beautiful touch and not bother will all the's up to you. And it's something chocolate, too, by the way - not that that's anything extraordinary or unusual when it comes to this blog, I guess.

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