Just a quick note: I highly recommend doing your own version of a chart like this. Progress in recovery, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, should always be acknowledged. It is another step, another little victory over your eating disorder. Writing down a list of how you have changed in terms of recovery (don't feel as if you have to limit yourself to how you have changed since last year, though - it can be since last week, last month or two or eight years ago; whichever you feel is the most appropriate) is something which I personally find really helpful and motivational, as it allows you to appreciate just how much you have changed, how much you have overcome - and simultaneously, how much you CAN change and overcome.
You have proved to yourself that you can be strong, as I did. Believe me, I, for example, never, ever, ever believed that I would be able to go through a day without exercising for two hours plus...but I did overcome that fear, that compulsion. I fought that Voice in my head, and no, I didn't grow two heads or develop hives all over my skin! It didn't kill me, it made me stronger. And if I can do it, there is absolutely NO reason that you can't, too. When the urge comes, and you panic, and tell yourself that no, you can't do it: just stop. Stop, take a few long, ddeep breaths, and think. Think...what is the worsrt thing that can happen, if I choose NOT to follow my ED? Will complying to its demands make me stronger, or IT stronger? Do I really want to live a life like this...a life controlled and dictated by a Voice, a Voice which is not my own?
Anyway, onto my own personal list of changes, of how much I have changed since, shall we say, early last year, when my eating disorder was at its worst.
Back then...
I would only allow myself to eat at most two full meals a day - lunch and dinner or breakfast and dinner; never all three.
But now...
I eat three regular meals each day.
Back then...
I deprived myself of the majority of the foods I loved, and, if I did decide to perhaps "Indulge" on them on one particular day, I would not permit myself to have them the following day.
But now...
I eat all of my favourite foods on a very regular basis! For example, I can safely say I do NOT go through one single day without eating bananas, chocolate, and hot chocolate, my favourite foods EVER. ;)
Insomnia HOT CHOC...made with real melted milk chocolate...my own heart melts at the thought! ;)
Back then...
I would only allow myself to eat lowfat or fat free products.
But now...
I allow myself to eat full fat milk, cheese, yoghurt and custard, and I enjoy them. I know the extra fat in them will only help my body to recover properly.
Back then...
I forced myself to exercise for a minimum of 2 hours each day; more if I could afford to.
But now...
I am learning to find enjoy exercise and practice it in a way which is not healthy or obsessive! And of course, I greatly reduced my physical activity as I recognise now what I was doing in the past was far from a healthy habit. This is mainly walking Benny with my family on the weekend afternoons, or taking my favourite springer for a brief 10 minute round of the field in the morning.
Back then...
I had many different foods which I was too afraid to try, or secrelty liked but lied that I hated so that I would not be expected to eat them.
but now...
I have faced nearly all of my fear foods, some of which I now love and eat on a very regular basis. Cheese and peanut butter being prime examples!!
Back then...
I did not think I could possibly go through a day without exercising.
But now...
Even though a day without any kind of exercise causes me anxiety, I know deep down that I am strong enough to do it, as when I was an inpatient I was forced to rest and remain sedentary for days on end. I know that if I search deep down within myself, that I CAN be brave and strong against my ED anxiety. This problem of resting and not moving has always been one of my biggest issues in recovery and something I am hoping I will be abble to receive help with, as I do still struggle with this alot.
Me and Lizzy. <3 xxx
Ed always won. I always lost.
But now, I am fighting hard against the Voice in my Head. I want to reclaim the life that I loved, a life without an eating disorder. <3 xxx